The DIGITAL DECATHLON was presented at IDoK Lunch
On October18th, a presentation of the European design competition Digital Decathlon tookplace as part of the IDoK lunch at Jade University. This event provided anopportunity to learn about the results and experiences of the DigitalDecathlon.
The Institute for Database-Oriented Design (IDoK) at the Jade University ofApplied Sciences in Oldenburg focuses on research and development in the fieldof Building Information Modeling (BIM). It develops processes and tools for thedigital, collaborative processing of construction projects and promotesmodel-based communication in the construction industry. The IDoK focuses onapplied research for education and training in the field of BIM.
The idea of the IDoK Lunch was to create a platform for the exchange of ideasabout digital innovations and to give impulses for future projects at JadeUniversity.