DIGITAL DECATHLON stands for Digital Design Collaboration in Higher Education and is an EU-funded Erasmus+ project - Cooperation Partnerships (KA220)
The DigitalDECATHLON is an interdisciplinary and intercultural competition for students of architecture, civil engineering, building services engineering and related disciplines to train digital design skills using BIM tools and methods in a collaborative way of working. In addition, the Digital DECATHLON is aunique training that provides participating students with an easy introductionto digital design and prepares them to work together in international teams. The competition links higher education institutions in Europe and promotes European identity. It opens new horizons of knowledge and perspectives of cooperation.
The digital DECATHLON is a competition that connects universities in Europe and promotes European identity. It offers new horizons of knowledge and perspectives of collaboration, making it a unique opportunity for students to improve their digital design skills and prepare for working in international teams. Digital Decathlon was initiated by Jade University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Universita degli Studi di Firenze and Politechnika Warszawska. After the project phase, the design competition will be open to other interested parties.